luni, 31 octombrie 2011

"We are a couple weeks behind in our annual visit to the pumpkin patch, but we made it and had a great time. Here are some of the pictures to prove it!"

"We had a football game last night and it rained again. It was also supposed to be Middle School Night for us. This when our feeder school bands come to the game to play with us. Unfortunately, they were late and so in turn we were late. Plus it was raining and it was *COLD*. And for some reason they changed venues on us again. (WHY???) Had we stayed with our original stadium, we would not have been (as) late.

By the time we got to the stadium, it was decided that the middle schoolers would get their snacks and then go back to their schools. As far as we were concerned, the show would go on. Sort of. Only the drum line would get to play. Luckily we were the away team, so we weren't responsible for playing the Star Spangled Banner.

The other team's band played the SSB and then left. Their cheerleaders left. Their drill team left. They had three--and I mean THREE--people on their side of the stadium.

When our band marched into the stands, our team was losing, 6 to 0. The drill team was in place and the cheerleaders moved on to the track and off we went. Our drum line played cadences and kept us all going. Yes, it was cold, yes, it was wet. But the rain sort of stopped for a while, so it really wasn't too bad. At least I didn't think so and I am not fond of the cold by any stretch of the imagination.

When our team finally made a touchdown, the band SANG the fight song!! Cool, huh? :) I wish I'd had my camera to get a picture of that.

We left at half time, winning 9 to 6. I was told the game was called at that point as it was too cold for the players on the sidelines.

So I nominate the Highlander Band as the band of the week for the FWISD.

Go Hills!"

"I posted this on Facebook over the weekend, from a recent shopping trip to Walmart; Suave has a new ad campaign for their line of natural shampoo and conditioners and I found it interesting that they use water conservation as a way to market their products.  The sign says, "Turn off the tap: Your family can save up to $100 dollars per year by turning off the water when you shampoo and condition."  So, it's an appeal to economic rather than ecologic savings, but it's still kind of fascinating to think that this may be a new marketing meme in a really bad economy.  Put on your Jimmy Carter cardigan and turn down the thermostat, folks, it's 1977 all over again.


Misha is putting it down. Loving Kelly, loving Misha's voice. Getting used to her look. She just really needs to get rid of this fingernail. Ewww!
Miss Misha to win the x Factor 2011."

"Almost two years ago, Hollie called me about taking photos of her sweet 6 month old daughter Madi. I was so nervous--it was the first time I'd taken photos of someone that wasn't family! But Hollie and Madi were great, and I've done several photos for them over the years.

A couple months ago, Hollie called me again, and showed me this photo on Pinterest that she wanted to use as inspiration for the next session:"

"We are members of Children's Fairyland and we just love to go there. Lucas gets so excited whenever we tell him we are headed there. Today they had a Halloween celebration there. Each kid was given a little punch card and there were treat stations set up throughout the park where the kids would turn in their punch card and in turn get a little treat. Lucas loved it. He got candy, ice cream, popcorn, an icee amongst other things.

Lucas and Evan didn't dress up in their costumes but we did dress them in Halloween appropriate wear. It was so much fun to see all the kids running around to the different treat stations."

"I am trying to change my blog Title picture and keep getting this error.  Does anybody know how to fix this?"

"Got turned down for a job the other day. Days after the MD of the company told a family member of mine that I was the best candidate for the job, and that it was mine. Then they turn around and give the job to someone else. For fucks sake.

Then good old AF arrives after the worst bout of PMT for months.

Oh infertility, how I hate thee.
Oh unemployment, how I hate thee."

"So, just a few days until our new little man will join us. I am scheduled for a c-section on Monday, June 14th at 7:30 in the morning. We have to be there at 5:30 AM and it takes us about 40 minutes to drive to Frisco! Yikes that is going to be super early but we are so ready to meet him! However this will be just the beginning of the early mornings coming my way...UGHH...I am sooo NOT looking forward to that part. Here are just a few pics of Landon's room that will be waiting for him when he comes home."

"The new blog is still in the works, but I will no longer post on Blogspot, so if you're interested in following, you can bookmark your browser here: and sign up for email notifications."

"I was going through my phone looking at all the pictures of Merrick and realized I should probably upload them before he deletes them, which he has a tendency to do. Since I don't have anything specific to blog, here are some photos of the last few months with Merrick!"

"One boy, his sister and their Mum on family life, and the constant battle for more sleep!" 
"i love puzzles! my mommy has bought me like a million puzzles...currently, this is my favorite puzzle to put together:"